२८ माघ २०८१, सोमबार
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सोमबार, माघ १२, २०७७

Saptari – A vaccine against corona virus has arrived in Biratnagar. The vaccine, which came with the help of the Indian government, is for Province 1. . According to the Ministry of Social Development, 96,000 doses of vaccine have been delivered to 14 districts of State 1 in the first phase. According to the ministry, the vaccine will be delivered to the districts of the state as per the need by the evening of January 27.

The state government plans to vaccinate active health workers, sanitation workers and security personnel against corona in the first phase from every district hospital and some major hospitals in the state. Sagar Prasai, chief of the health division at the Ministry of Social Development, said that the state government is preparing to vaccinate 35,576 targeted people against corona in the first phase.

As the people who have been vaccinated for the first time have to be vaccinated for the second time after one month, the state currently needs a total of 71,152 doses of vaccine. The vaccine against corona has been stored at the State Health Supply Management Center in Biratnagar.

तपाईको प्रतिक्रिया
सम्बन्धित खबरहरु
हाम्रो बारेमा

शम्भुनाथ मिडिया हाउस प्रा.लि. द्वारा संचालित kchhakhabar.com अनलाईन पत्रिकाले जनता को हक र आवाजको रुपमा आफ्नो सामाचार सम्प्रेषण गर्ने छ।

सूचना तथा प्रसारण विभाग : २०७७/०७७-७८

कम्पनी दर्ता                       :  २४११११

आधिकारिक जानकारीका लागि सम्पर्क:9804041401


अध्यक्ष /प्रकाशक :बिवेकानन्द यादब (निखिल राउत)

प्रधान सम्पादक:शंंकर यादब

सम्पादक         : जय कामत

सह- सम्पादक: अनवर अलि

सल्लाहकार  : आयुष श्रेष्ठ ,बिष्णु यादव


ठेगाना :- रुपनी,सप्तरी ,मधेश प्रदेश
सम्पर्क: -९८०४०४१४०१
बिज्ञापनकालागि: -९८०४०४१४०१
इमेल [email protected]